And We're Off; the 2014 San Diego CalFresh Challenge Begins!

Monday, September 15th marked the official kick off of San Diego's CalFresh Challenge.  Spearheaded by the San Diego Hunger Coalition and a large group of partner agencies supporting hunger across the county, this event challenges participants to live a week on $34.31,  San Diego County's average CalFresh allotment. Over two dozen San Diego residents have elected to take the Challenge this year, and we look forward to sharing their feedback!  Beginning Sunday afternoon, recipients received an email welcoming them to the Challenge, sharing a background on the CalFresh program, and providing some thought provoking questions on how to purchase healthy meals on less than $5 a day.

We've already got some great feedback from participants, one Challenger wrote:

"It’s going well, though I have to admit, I’m definitely hitting my afternoon slump. Right about now I normally have a little snack to energize me through until dinner, but I didn’t have enough food allocated for today to do that. I’m already getting just a taste of how difficult this must be on a daily basis."  -CF ChallengerOne Challenger's Food for the Week

Are you participating in the Challenge and have a story to tell?  Please share by emailing!